Design Review

By designing workplaces and equipment that meet ergonomics design criteria, you will:
  • Minimise costs by designing it “right” the first time. You won’t have to retrofit equipment later to meet ergonomics guidelines for height, reach, etc…
  • Integrate ergonomics into the design at virtually “no extra cost”.
  • Reduce the risk of employees sustaining musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) at new work stations.
  • Integrate ergonomics into your pre-start safety review.
We have developed an extensive set of design guidelines for 17 different design criteria. We use the design guidelines to evaluate your proposed design. When we find a deficiency, we will bring it to your attention, and work with you to develop feasible alternatives. A typical design review would include the following steps: 1. Meet with key stakeholders to review project history, existing equipment, user population, stats, previous reports, drawings and plans. 2. Use Taylor'd Ergonomics’ design guidelines to identify any design concerns with the proposed design (e.g. working heights and reaches, container design, tool design, control design, lighting, etc.). 3. Work with key stakeholders to identify and develop workable recommendations. We may also research alternatives using our vendor files and contacts. Where possible, mock up the design recommendations. Contact Carrie in our main office for a quotation or more information, at 519.623.7733, or