
Product review: Snow shovels

As ergonomists, we’re especially curious about all those products that are marketed as “ergonomically designed”. We recently bought two “ergo” snow shovels, and Kirsten volunteered to rate them, in comparison with a traditional shovel. You might see her review on our Linked in page and on our Facebook page. But if you’d rather read about it, then […]
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What does the “mentor” contribute to an ergonomics internship?

Fanshawe College offers an Advanced Ergonomics Studies program, which includes an 8-week, unpaid internship. Because the interns are “free”, it’s tempting to “hire” one to come in and “do” ergonomics, under the supervision of a Safety or HR manager. The goal of the field placement is to provide real-life experience. Some placements do not offer […]
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Our stories: Keeping municipal workers safe from musculoskeletal injuries

Municipal workers are one of the most important worker groups in our society. Without them, we wouldn’t have clean water, waste disposal, roads, or recreational spaces such as parks and arenas. Without these workers, towns and cities would be chaos. Naturally, everyone can imagine the importance of keeping these workers safe and healthy. One of […]
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Answering tough questions: How Applied Ergonomics Research can Benefit your Company

Does your company see itself as “leading edge”? Is “R&D” built into your process? If so, are you applying this approach to ergonomics and strain/sprain injury prevention? Applied research allows you to examine information about specific problems within your company. Research can lead to better work processes, ergonomics awareness and skills, and innovation. As practitioners, […]
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6 Reasons to Build a Library of PCDAs

What’s a library of physical and cognitive demands (PCDAs) worth? Many of our clients set out to complete PCDAs, also known in some organizations as Job Demands Analyses, or Physical Demands Descriptions, for all of their jobs. Some clients only complete them as needed. When or why would it be worthwhile to complete an entire […]
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You know you need an ergonomist when…

Why do clients call us? Typically, organizations call us: when they need to build a library of physical and cognitive demands analyses after employees report discomfort or injury that they attribute to a job when the supervisor, HR Manager, JHSC, and Safety Professional are not able to identify a practical solution to the concern when […]
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