
Is this job repetitive? (How 0-30% of the day might still be “repetitive”, or 67% may not be)

We are often asked to help employers accommodate workers with restrictions against “repetitive” work, or “repetitive” shoulder, back, or wrist demands. What is “repetitive”? Health & Safety Ontario’s relatively new Physical Demands Analysis Form uses these criteria for “frequency”: N=Not required R=Rarely (<2%) O=Occasional (3-33%) F=Frequent (34-66%) and C=Constant (67-100%) Over the years, “occasional/frequent/constant” have […]
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Lessons learned during my internship with Taylor’d Ergo

by Jessica Szarko As part of the Advanced Ergonomics Program at Fanshawe College, I completed my internship with Taylor’d Ergonomics. During the remote part of my internship I identified, described, and ‘proved’ best practices for everyday tasks, using biomechanics software. Later, I completed Physical and Cognitive Demands Analyses (PDA/CDA) for municipal employees, and I worked […]
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Why does my neck hurt when I wear bifocals?

As we age, those of us who have always needed glasses for far vision often find themselves in need of bifocal lenses. Bifocal, multifocal, or “progressive” lenses, allow those of us with lousy distance and lousy near vision to see the world using one pair of glasses. They’re pretty amazing if you consider the alternative: […]
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How to write “how-to” instructions

Step-by-step instructions are important communication tools in business, and elsewhere. If you’ve ever assembled a bookcase, you appreciate the value of a good task analysis, which forms the basis for good instructions. In the world of ergonomics, we use task analysis in physical/cognitive demands analysis (PDA/CDAs), and to develop training. First, training….Your company may have […]
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My armrests are killing me

We’re often asked about armrests…do I need them? How can I make them more comfortable?  We’ve talked about armrests before, but the topic is hot again, now that more people are working from home. Many employees are sitting at a kitchen table, or at a desk with drawers. If the chair has armrests, the armrests […]
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