
Bigger workers burn more energy – so what?

If you’ve ever tracked your food (calorie) intake with someone else, especially someone much larger or smaller than you, you may have been surprised to learn that the larger of the two of you could eat more and still lose weight. Why is that? Larger people are carrying their own body weight, everywhere they go. […]
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Leaning in, literally

Although I was a huge fan of Sheryl Sandberg’s book, “Lean In” has a more literal meaning for ergonomists. Most of us have leaned against something dusty or wet and then walked around not realizing that a sleeve, shoulder, back, or butt was dirty. Have you ever considered why people lean on things? If you’re […]
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What makes a good ergonomist great?

We’re hiring to fill our Mississauga position, and soon we’ll be interviewing for summer interns, so I’ve been thinking about what characteristics allow an ergonomist to excel in the field. A good ergonomist At a minimum, an ergonomist should meet the Canadian ergonomics certification requirements, which can be found here. We have had ergonomics certification […]
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