
You know you need an ergonomist when…

Why do clients call us? Typically, organizations call us: when they need to build a library of physical and cognitive demands analyses after employees report discomfort or injury that they attribute to a job when the supervisor, HR Manager, JHSC, and Safety Professional are not able to identify a practical solution to the concern when […]
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So you’re hiring a new ergonomist…What equipment does an ergonomist need?

A couple of weeks ago, we talked about our hiring process. After we’ve selected an ergonomist, we need to equip them. Here is what we provide, and train them to use: Annually-calibrated force gauge, pinch gauge, and grip dynamometers, and various custom-made attachments. Stopwatches, tape measure, and pedometer (measuring wheel). A backpack to carry all […]
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12 questions to help you identify ergo program goals for next year

It’s planning time, so we’ve put together a dozen questions that will help you to focus your ergonomics initiatives in the coming year. We audit ergonomics programs, so if you’d like more help setting some ergo goals, give us a call. Of all the injuries that happen in your facility, what percentage were strains and […]
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