best practices

Give your snowplow drivers a hand up: start the season with ergonomics training

Well, actually, we’d prefer that they get two hands up, when they’re climbing into the cab! No one wants to think about it, but winter IS coming; municipalities and private landscaping companies are already hard at work preparing to take care of the wintery roads. Snowplow drivers are exposed to several strain/sprain injury hazards: – […]
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Gearing up for the biggest return-to-work project ever!

Never before have our clients experienced a shutdown period of this duration. This many workers have never taken so long away from physical work, all at the same time. We’d love to think that the lengthy furlough has meant hours in the home gym, extra walks with the kids, and yoga in front of the […]
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Do your part: Help essential workers do their jobs, ergonomically

In our virtual team meetings, we’ve been talking about how to help home office workers. But what can we do to help essential workers, outside of their homes? Now is not the time to provide training or workplace assessments. Some of these jobs are more demanding than ever before – those of us who are […]
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