best practices

Snowplow operators in Canada: the unsung heroes of harsh winters

If you’ve ever driven through a snowstorm in the dark, you can begin to understand the challenges snowplow drivers face. Imagine being responsible for clearing a safe path on the snowy road’s edge while contending with traffic, disabled vehicles, people, fallen trees, powerlines, and wildlife. Add the irregular work hours, and the need to stay […]
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worker being instructed how to remove heavy pan from oven

When does “reinstructing the worker” help?

Some of our clients pass their strain/sprain injury reports to our ergonomists for review, investigation, or other support.  I have to say, every time I see the corrective action listed as “Reinstruct the worker,” I wince quietly. I imagine the supervisor sitting with the worker, who is in pain, and saying, “Next time, make sure […]
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3 images showing the effects of supportive footwear, heels, and barefeet

Elevate office comfort: The surprising impact of footwear on ergonomics

Office footwear may appear to be an unconventional topic for an ergonomics blog, but shoes are quite important in creating a comfortable and productive workspace. While industrial and non-slip footwear are more commonly associated with ergonomics, what you wear on your feet during office hours can impact your overall well-being and work efficiency. Why your […]
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How to get a strain/sprain injury at a perfectly-adjusted workstation

I can’t honestly say that I’ve suffered a strain/sprain injury, but I know the early signs when I see them. I have the advantage of an education and 30+ years of experience, so I’m able to avoid the progression of such an issue. (Physician, heal thyself! Ergonomist, fix thine workstation!) I can, however, report that, […]
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