Ergo at home

Covid-eo 2020

We’re all getting much more familiar with technology, as we learn how to communicate more effectively from a distance. Videochat, through the many available apps, has proven incredibly helpful during this time of “physical distancing”. Here’s our advice about the ergonomics of using a video. If you’ll be doing a lot of chatting, avoid arm […]
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Do your part: Help essential workers do their jobs, ergonomically

In our virtual team meetings, we’ve been talking about how to help home office workers. But what can we do to help essential workers, outside of their homes? Now is not the time to provide training or workplace assessments. Some of these jobs are more demanding than ever before – those of us who are […]
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How to pick winter treads…for your feet

A November 15th webinar by Dr. Tilak Dutta of the University Health Network reviewed winter footwear characteristics, and how treads are tested. He even identified specific footwear with better slip resistance…more on that later. The method for testing footwear’s slip resistance is fascinating. They use a room with an ice floor. The entire room tilts! […]
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