
Beat the heat!

Summer is here, and many Canadians have flipped the switch from complaining about the cold, to complaining about the heat! After enduring long months of winter, relaxing outdoors might feel great. Unfortunately, working in that same heat can be uncomfortable and possibly even dangerous. Here are some ways to beat the summer heat while working […]
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Design, so they don’t reach for it!

If you’re familiar with ergonomics design guidelines, then you are aware of the CSA guideline (CSA Z1004-12) that provides recommended reach guidelines for “frequent”, “infrequent”, and “occasional” work. What do these guidelines represent? For reach, we usually are most concerned with a smaller worker, because a larger worker could stand further back, and achieve the […]
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A force gauge is an ergonomist’s best friend!

Force gauges are used by ergonomists to collect quantitative data for PDAs and ergonomics assessments of pushing, pulling, and lifting tasks. We often take measurements 5-6 times, to ensure we are collecting the most accurate data possible, so it’s important to have a force gauge that can “measure” up to the task. A variety of […]
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Dog days of summer

Stay cool, even without air conditioning  (Read time 2:30) Last year Ursa, our Border Collie puppy, was too young to run with us, but now she’s acting the part of a herding dog, motivating our 5 k runs. Ursa loves to run no matter what…hot or cool. But when it started to warm up outside, […]
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What is the supervisor’s role in ergonomics?

A supervisor has a legislated responsibility for musculoskeletal injury prevention (aka ergonomics) that s/he rarely understands, and often has difficult fulfilling effectively. The supervisor needs to: – be an expert in the best work practices that his or her workers are expected to use. Sometimes it’s difficult even for experienced workers to identify, agree on, […]
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