Ergonomics can improve employee productivity and well-being. This article describes how ergonomists can support pharmaceutical, long-term care, and automotive clients.
The WSIB and insurance carriers often ask employers to provide detailed descriptions of the physical demands of a job. These reports are called "PCDAs" or "PDDs" or "PDAs" or other names, and they all use their own language. How can we provide the information that they need, objectively?
Many of us in the ergonomics world have been watching motion capture technology for years. Clients and ergonomists are excited about recent advances that allow us to gather information using just a phone video camera. Is it too good to be true? Let’s take a step back and look at the history, before we consider the current […]
Some of our clients pass their strain/sprain injury reports to our ergonomists for review, investigation, or other support. I have to say, every time I see the corrective action listed as “Reinstruct the worker,” I wince quietly. I imagine the supervisor sitting with the worker, who is in pain, and saying, “Next time, make sure […]
This is a question that is often asked of ergonomists. Many people believe that the maximum is 23 kg, or 50 lbs. Here are the facts: Nationally (Canada) Nationally, certain regulations apply to federally regulated organizations, such as airlines and banks, as defined by the Canada Occupational Health and Safety Regulations (SOR/86-304), specifically Division III, […]