
In-person vs. virtual training: What’s the trade-off?

Our Physical and Cognitive Demands Analysis workshop will be running next week. In today’s age of virtual and online training, why would anyone travel to Cambridge to participate in an in-person workshop? Don’t get me wrong…I believe there’s also a place for virtual and online training, and we offer both. We have an excellent online […]
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What does the “mentor” contribute to an ergonomics internship?

Fanshawe College offers an Advanced Ergonomics Studies program, which includes an 8-week, unpaid internship. Because the interns are “free”, it’s tempting to “hire” one to come in and “do” ergonomics, under the supervision of a Safety or HR manager. The goal of the field placement is to provide real-life experience. Some placements do not offer […]
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Answering tough questions: How Applied Ergonomics Research can Benefit your Company

Does your company see itself as “leading edge”? Is “R&D” built into your process? If so, are you applying this approach to ergonomics and strain/sprain injury prevention? Applied research allows you to examine information about specific problems within your company. Research can lead to better work processes, ergonomics awareness and skills, and innovation. As practitioners, […]
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6 Reasons to Build a Library of PCDAs

What’s a library of physical and cognitive demands (PCDAs) worth? Many of our clients set out to complete PCDAs, also known in some organizations as Job Demands Analyses, or Physical Demands Descriptions, for all of their jobs. Some clients only complete them as needed. When or why would it be worthwhile to complete an entire […]
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So you’re hiring a new ergonomist…What equipment does an ergonomist need?

A couple of weeks ago, we talked about our hiring process. After we’ve selected an ergonomist, we need to equip them. Here is what we provide, and train them to use: Annually-calibrated force gauge, pinch gauge, and grip dynamometers, and various custom-made attachments. Stopwatches, tape measure, and pedometer (measuring wheel). A backpack to carry all […]
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You had an intern (or co-op student)….now what?

Right now, 40 graduating ergonomists from Fanshawe college are completing their internships at a variety of workplaces. (This was the 5th cohort – last year 32  graduated.) Many of the interns are starting projects or programs that will require maintenance. What happens after the internship is completed? Some workplaces may want to hire the intern […]
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