
How and when do we calibrate our gauges?

The routine administrative aspects of an ergonomics consulting business are pretty mundane – renew software licenses and insurance plans, make sure everyone gets their annual training, pay the bills, send the invoices….not the stuff of dreams when I launched this business 30 years ago. Maintaining our equipment isn’t exciting, but it has to be done. […]
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Online Meeting Overload? Six Ergonomics Strategies

Only a few years ago, virtual meetings were seen as a necessary evil. Meetings often started with audio problems and were frequently interrupted by connection issues. While tech issues haven’t disappeared completely, they don’t frazzle us as much as they used to. Virtual meetings are now viewed more favorably as a way to make better […]
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Our stories: Ergonomics in Food Manufacturing

We work with many clients in the food sector, including bakeries, confectioneries, poultry processors, dairy, mills, and even pet food. In this week’s article, we share a bit of what we’ve learned about ergonomics in food manufacturing. How is this sector unique? One of the unique things about food production is the amount of personal […]
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