
Ergonomic, ergonomics, er-GONE-omist, ergo-NO-mist…or, maybe, just plain “ergo”

Imagine this scene: A multidisciplinary team is gathered for a meeting to discuss an important initiative, one that should have a significant impact on the organisation. The problem at hand has been affecting productivity, quality, employee morale, and has been associated with costly injuries. People are interested. A manager arrives with the consultant who has […]
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A force gauge is an ergonomist’s best friend!

Force gauges are used by ergonomists to collect quantitative data for PDAs and ergonomics assessments of pushing, pulling, and lifting tasks. We often take measurements 5-6 times, to ensure we are collecting the most accurate data possible, so it’s important to have a force gauge that can “measure” up to the task. A variety of […]
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Walk to work! …or at work, or from work….

by Kristina Zucchiatti Like me, you may have lost sight of the fitness goals you set late in the evening of December 31. But, fear not, spring has sprung. (Well, spring is sure to spring soon, anyway!) To get you back on track, join the world on Friday April 5th for Walk to Work Day! […]
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