
Backpack REDUCES spinal loads?

I reviewed an article published in Ergonomics (2014, volume 57, No 2: 262-270) by Rohlmann et al., entitled “How does the way a weight is carried affect spinal loads?” In it, the authors compare carrying a weight four different ways: 1. In one hand 2. In front of the body 3. With loads split between […]
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What are electronic games doing to our kids?

Are you concerned that your kids’ spines are turning into “C” shaped curves? Are you worried that sitting might just be killing them, too? You are not alone! My teenagers spend altogether too much time sitting and lying around, electronic devices in hand. The adults in our house have adopted “Fitbits” and we run in […]
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101 ideas for your ergo program

We’ve been working hard to finish the new “101 ergo solutions” course, which is, at last, ready for print. We’re really looking forward to sharing some of what we’ve learned in the 20 years we’ve been working at Taylor’d Ergo. Along those lines, the fall conference of the Association of Canadian Ergonomists will be hosting […]
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All about that BASE

This is a follow up to my last blog about my new stand/lean stool. I’ve now been using the stool for a couple of weeks, and I’ve learned a lesson that I thought I should share…. On the first day that I used the stool, I raved about how great I felt at the end […]
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