
ergonomics under the safety or engineering umbrella

Where does ergonomics belong – Safety or Engineering?

Most of our clients hire us because they need help to reduce sprain/strain injuries. We are typically contacted by the Human Resources department or, more specifically, Health and Safety. This is a natural consequence of the way most organizations see ergonomics: fitting work to people so strain/sprain injuries can be avoided. As we’ve pointed out […]
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What is the maximum weight a worker can lift? (Nationally, Provincially, and Practically)

This is a question that is often asked of ergonomists. Many people believe that the maximum is 23 kg, or 50 lbs. Here are the facts: Nationally (Canada) Nationally, certain regulations apply to federally regulated organizations, such as airlines and banks, as defined by the Canada Occupational Health and Safety Regulations (SOR/86-304), specifically Division III, […]
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3 images showing the effects of supportive footwear, heels, and barefeet

Elevate office comfort: The surprising impact of footwear on ergonomics

Office footwear may appear to be an unconventional topic for an ergonomics blog, but shoes are quite important in creating a comfortable and productive workspace. While industrial and non-slip footwear are more commonly associated with ergonomics, what you wear on your feet during office hours can impact your overall well-being and work efficiency. Why your […]
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How to get a strain/sprain injury at a perfectly-adjusted workstation

I can’t honestly say that I’ve suffered a strain/sprain injury, but I know the early signs when I see them. I have the advantage of an education and 30+ years of experience, so I’m able to avoid the progression of such an issue. (Physician, heal thyself! Ergonomist, fix thine workstation!) I can, however, report that, […]
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