Office Ergo

How to write “how-to” instructions

Step-by-step instructions are important communication tools in business, and elsewhere. If you’ve ever assembled a bookcase, you appreciate the value of a good task analysis, which forms the basis for good instructions. In the world of ergonomics, we use task analysis in physical/cognitive demands analysis (PDA/CDAs), and to develop training. First, training….Your company may have […]
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My armrests are killing me

We’re often asked about armrests…do I need them? How can I make them more comfortable?  We’ve talked about armrests before, but the topic is hot again, now that more people are working from home. Many employees are sitting at a kitchen table, or at a desk with drawers. If the chair has armrests, the armrests […]
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Covid-eo 2020

We’re all getting much more familiar with technology, as we learn how to communicate more effectively from a distance. Videochat, through the many available apps, has proven incredibly helpful during this time of “physical distancing”. Here’s our advice about the ergonomics of using a video. If you’ll be doing a lot of chatting, avoid arm […]
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