
Snowplow operators in Canada: the unsung heroes of harsh winters

If you’ve ever driven through a snowstorm in the dark, you can begin to understand the challenges snowplow drivers face. Imagine being responsible for clearing a safe path on the snowy road’s edge while contending with traffic, disabled vehicles, people, fallen trees, powerlines, and wildlife. Add the irregular work hours, and the need to stay […]
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worker being instructed how to remove heavy pan from oven

When does “reinstructing the worker” help?

Some of our clients pass their strain/sprain injury reports to our ergonomists for review, investigation, or other support.  I have to say, every time I see the corrective action listed as “Reinstruct the worker,” I wince quietly. I imagine the supervisor sitting with the worker, who is in pain, and saying, “Next time, make sure […]
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What is an ergonomist, and what do they do?

(Prefer to “watch” instead of read? Here’s the video: At the most basic level, an ergonomist (much like a lifeguard) gets paid to watch people. In our case, we watch people work. Of course, most ergonomists would be insulted at the insinuation that “watch” is all we do, but that’s what people see us […]
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The wheel on the bus

We have worked with bus drivers extensively over the years, and it is surprising how a small adjustment can significantly improve their driving comfort. Bus seats typically offer more adjustability than a typical office chair, which means that if the driver takes the time to adjust it, the “ergonomics” of the workstation can be quite […]
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Meet us in New Orleans

Our entire team is heading south next week to participate and present at the Applied Ergonomics Conference 2023 If you are coming to New Orleans, please find us to say hi, and come to our presentations to support our ergonomists! As an “applied” conference, we know that next week’s program will energize us with ideas […]
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