
How to write “how-to” instructions

Step-by-step instructions are important communication tools in business, and elsewhere. If you’ve ever assembled a bookcase, you appreciate the value of a good task analysis, which forms the basis for good instructions. In the world of ergonomics, we use task analysis in physical/cognitive demands analysis (PDA/CDAs), and to develop training. First, training….Your company may have […]
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Hiring? What should orientation include about ergonomics?

New employee orientation typically focuses on important tips like how to get paid, and how to avoid getting hit by a truck at work – admittedly high priorities for both employees and employers. However, new employee orientation offers a one-time opportunity to encourage employees to practice ergonomics. Here are the things that I wish employees […]
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Give your snowplow drivers a hand up: start the season with ergonomics training

Well, actually, we’d prefer that they get two hands up, when they’re climbing into the cab! No one wants to think about it, but winter IS coming; municipalities and private landscaping companies are already hard at work preparing to take care of the wintery roads. Snowplow drivers are exposed to several strain/sprain injury hazards: – […]
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