
Wearable technology for ergonomics training – is it oversold?

Wearable technology has been gaining in popularity. In the workplace, wearable technology is being developed to monitor productivity, to identify safety hazards such as exposure to radiation, gas leaks, heat, or proximity to vehicles, to provide instruction to workers, and to promote health and wellness. Most of us are  familiar with fitness or step trackers, […]
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worker being instructed how to remove heavy pan from oven

When does “reinstructing the worker” help?

Some of our clients pass their strain/sprain injury reports to our ergonomists for review, investigation, or other support.  I have to say, every time I see the corrective action listed as “Reinstruct the worker,” I wince quietly. I imagine the supervisor sitting with the worker, who is in pain, and saying, “Next time, make sure […]
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