best practices

The ERGO impacts of Covid-19

The pandemic is going to change the way “we” work – and by “we”, we mean ergonomists, and all other workers. A recent broadcast email from the leaders of the Applied Ergonomics Society inspired this discussion of these emerging issues. What are your thoughts? How can we do ergonomics assessments while social distancing? The need […]
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Covid-eo 2020

We’re all getting much more familiar with technology, as we learn how to communicate more effectively from a distance. Videochat, through the many available apps, has proven incredibly helpful during this time of “physical distancing”. Here’s our advice about the ergonomics of using a video. If you’ll be doing a lot of chatting, avoid arm […]
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2 similarities between teaching and practicing ergonomics

By Josie Blake I’m taking a course on adult learning, following in the path of other Taylor’d ergonomists. Our company has developed and offer many courses directed at professionals in the safety, engineering and human resources fields looking to update their ergo education, or get some continuous education credits. As I work my way through […]
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