
Check it out – Ergonomics and Cashiers

Do you ever worry about the demands of the cashier who has to handle every item that you eat in a week? We do. And not just because we’ve been hired to! So do academics, apparently. Researchers from the Universities of Waterloo, Laurentian, and Arizona State recently published a paper in the International Journal of Industrial […]
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A prescription for ergo assessment

CBC recently reported that some physicians have started writing prescriptions for physical activity.  Dr. Michael Rutledge, a Medical Officer of Health for Southern Health in Manitoba, identified exercise as “a wonder drug that can treat dozens of diseases including diabetes, hypertension and obesity….[with] no negative side effects”. He feels that more serious conversations need to […]
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Hollywood takes on ergonomics!

Like many of you, I recently went to see a movie about human factors. You read that first sentence twice didn’t you? You may not have even heard the phrase while you were engaged with the story, but the words “human factors” were actually uttered, read straight from the script. The movie “Sully” was about […]
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“CELEBRATE” Global Ergonomics Month like the Holiday it Should Be

You’ve never heard of “Global Ergonomics Month”, let alone celebrated it? Here’s how we suggest recognizing this most worthy event, in October: Put up decorations! We don’t mean tinsel and wreaths. We mean posters. Provide practical, graphic, easy-to-follow instructions that will help people make a positive change in their workstation adjustments or work methods. For […]
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