manual handling

MMH conference – injury reduction stats!

On October 2, 2017, the Taylor’d Ergo team attended the CRE-MSD “Manual Materials Handling and Prevention of Musculoskeletal Disorders: Making it Work!” one-day conference in Mississauga, Ontario. The day started off with a short review on a bit of the history of manual material handling (MMH) injuries in workplaces and a reminder to not forget […]
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Ergonomic landscaping products

Recently, we came across a new style of base block (used to build the bottom layer of a wall). These stones have cut-out handles that the vendor claims will “save time and money with improved jobsite efficiency”. We are not experienced landscapers, but we do happen to know a few. Although he hasn’t actually used […]
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push. Push. PUSH!!

People push and pull things all day long – doors, wheelchairs, buttons, chairs, bins, and boxes. We rarely think about the best way to push something. Ergonomists, asked about the risks associated with pushing a load, will usually focus on the force required, the hand height, the type of grip required, pushing frequency, and the […]
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Are you in compliance with the “MOL Approved Ergonomic Guidelines”?

We recently came across a job posting for an ergonomist. (No, we’re not looking for a job—we just like to know what’s going on.) The job responsibilities included “evaluating…parts as well as assembly processes to ensure that they are in compliance with Ministry of Labour’s approved Ergonomic Guidelines.” We were startled! The MOL has “approved” […]
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Ergo training prevents injuries (Sneak preview of one of our ergo conference presentations)

If you haven’t registered for the October 5-8 Association of Canadian Ergonomists conference, it’s not too late – in fact, the early registration deadline has been extended to Monday, Sept 15! Click here to register for the conference, being held in Waterloo, ON. We are presenting two papers there. Josie will be presenting a “reject conveyor” case […]
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Get ahead of the MOL’s September Material Handling Blitz with Ergonomics training

If you’re part of the “industrial sector” then you may be aware that the Ontario Ministry of Labour (MOL) is planning another focus on material handling, for September 14-October 23 this year. Now is the time to proactively address this potential hazard. The blitz focus is expected to include: Lifting devices Manual handling procedure Mobile/transport […]
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