
MMH conference – injury reduction stats!

On October 2, 2017, the Taylor’d Ergo team attended the CRE-MSD “Manual Materials Handling and Prevention of Musculoskeletal Disorders: Making it Work!” one-day conference in Mississauga, Ontario. The day started off with a short review on a bit of the history of manual material handling (MMH) injuries in workplaces and a reminder to not forget […]
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“CELEBRATE” Global Ergonomics Month like the Holiday it Should Be

You’ve never heard of “Global Ergonomics Month”, let alone celebrated it? Here’s how we suggest recognizing this most worthy event, in October: Put up decorations! We don’t mean tinsel and wreaths. We mean posters. Provide practical, graphic, easy-to-follow instructions that will help people make a positive change in their workstation adjustments or work methods. For […]
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